Cruelty to Animals Crimes

Every state outlaws cruel treatment of animals, but those who are charged and convicted can face varied punishments depending on the state where the crimes took place. Louisiana's cruelty to animals laws define what mistreatment of animals is and the penalties associated with such behavior.

Intentionally injuring, torturing, mutilating, killing, beating, abandoning, or sexually abusing an animal are all unlawful acts in Louisiana. A conviction for animal cruelty can come with many years behind bars and thousands of dollars in fines. 

Animal cruelty charges should not be taken lightly. There is a push by some people in society for prosecutors to take animal cruelty charges seriously and aggressively pursue convictions with the harshest penalties that can be imposed.

A cruelty-to-animals criminal defense attorney will evaluate your case and determine the most effective defense strategy so you can secure the best possible outcome under the circumstances. Depending on the case facts, it could be possible to lessen your charges or have your charges dropped. Innocent people do get brought into the justice system through incomplete investigations and false accusations.

At the ​Law Offices of Philip B. Adams, LLC, our skilled and competent cruelty-to-animals criminal defense attorney has represented many individuals charged with the most serious crimes.

For more information, contact the Law Offices of Philip B. Adams.

Louisiana Cruelty-to-Animals Definitions

Louisiana provides definitions for terms associated with cruelty-to-animals crimes:

  • "Cruel" is an action or a failure to act resulting in an animal suffering unjustifiable physical pain.

  • "Abandons" is when an animal’s established owner deserts or completely forsakes the animal without taking any steps to ensure the animal is cared for properly.

  • "Proper Food" is the appropriate and sufficient daily food that an animal is given to eat and not unnecessarily suffer.

  • "Proper Water" is the appropriate and adequate amount of daily water that an animal is given to drink and not unnecessarily suffer.

  • "Proper Shelter" is the adequate shelter that should be provided to an animal to protect them from the elements and prevent unnecessary suffering.

  • "Proper Veterinary Care" is providing an animal with the veterinary care necessary to avoid unnecessary suffering.

  • "Livestock" refers to animals such as cattle, sheep, horses, burros, asses, and other farm animals.

  • "Public Livestock Exhibition" is a location or facility such as a livestock market, sales ring, or stockyard where livestock are received, kept, and put for sale or shipment or where a livestock show takes place.

  • "Tampers" is the injection of a drug or administration of a product or material to enhance or transform livestock and make them look better than they truly are, for cosmetic purposes; to affect the central nervous system of livestock without a veterinarian's oversight; or the surgical manipulation of tissue to change livestock that is not an accepted livestock management practice.

Call An Experienced Louisiana Cruelty-to-Animals Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Protecting your rights and freedoms from the most grievous penalties when you have been charged with a cruelty-to-animals crime in Louisiana is Attorney Adams's top priority. 

If you were charged with a cruelty-to-animals crime in Louisiana, you need a committed and experienced cruelty-to-animals criminal defense attorney on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Philip B. Adams today for a case evaluation.