Juvenile Delinquency Charges

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, especially children trying to navigate the complexities of life. Mishaps can be learning experiences that can help juveniles gain valuable insights from their mistakes so that they can make better decisions in the future. However, when such errors in life are considered delinquent acts, and a child engages in unlawful activity, the repercussions can adversely impact the direction and outlook of the rest of their life. Delinquent acts committed by juveniles may be handled in juvenile court or, in some instances, adult court.

Due to the harsh realities that can come when a child loses their way and gets mixed up in delinquent activity, having an attorney's assistance and guidance is essential to helping young people protect themselves. If your child has been arrested for a delinquent act or crime in Louisiana, this is a serious situation that should not be taken lightly. Their freedom is at risk, and so is the trajectory of their life. This is why consulting with an attorney can be advantageous.

A juvenile delinquency attorney will evaluate your child's case and determine the most effective defense strategy to secure the best possible outcome under the circumstances. Depending on the case facts, it could be possible to lessen your child's charges or have their charges dropped. Innocent people do get brought into the justice system through incomplete investigations and false accusations.

At the ​Law Offices of Philip B. Adams, LLC, our skilled and competent juvenile delinquency attorney has represented many juveniles charged with the most serious delinquent acts and crimes.

For more information, contact the Law Offices of Philip B. Adams.

Types of Juvenile Delinquent Acts and Crimes in Louisiana

Under Louisiana juvenile delinquency laws, individuals who are not yet 18 years of age are considered juveniles. Many delinquent acts and crimes that juveniles can be arrested for are the same as those that adults can be arrested for, with some exceptions, like underage drinking and truancy. Drug possession and distribution, battery, assault, shoplifting, and other crimes are unlawful, and a juvenile who is suspected of any of these crimes or caught committing one can be arrested.

Whether or not a juvenile intended to harm another party or even knew that what they were doing was unlawful, the court system can be harsh. When evaluating a juvenile's case, strict punishments may be assigned by a trial judge.

Juvenile Court in Louisiana

Louisiana juvenile courts are a bit different from adult courts. The juvenile court seeks to issue a punishment for delinquent acts and crimes committed that is generally geared towards rehabilitation and support, whereas adult courts penalize through fines and time behind bars. 

While a defendant in adult court will have a judge and jury, juvenile defendants do not get a jury. Their fate is decided by the trial judge alone. The trial judge will evaluate guilt or innocence, not a jury.

A hearing may also be used to evaluate a juvenile's case to determine if they should stay in the juvenile system or have their case moved to adult criminal court for the strictest penalties. If a case stays in the juvenile system, community service, diversion programs, counseling, supervision, and other outcomes may result.

Call An Experienced Juvenile Delinquency Attorney Today

Attorney Adams's top priority is protecting your child's rights and freedoms from the most grievous penalties when they have been arrested for a delinquent act or crime in Louisiana. 

If your child was arrested for a delinquent act or crime in Louisiana, you need a committed and experienced juvenile delinquency attorney on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Philip B. Adams today for a case evaluation.