Rape and Sex Crimes

Several different acts can be considered sex-related crimes, and if you have been arrested for engaging in certain unlawful sexually related activities, you could face serious criminal penalties. Allegations of rape and other sex-related crimes can harm your reputation and adversely impact your life and future prospects, both professionally and personally. You can be charged criminally and even sued civilly for damages. Convictions will make these consequences worse in addition to having to endure the punishments that accompany the crimes.
​If you have been arrested for rape and sex crimes, this is a serious situation and one that should not be taken lightly. Your freedom is at risk, as is the quality of your character and good name. This is why consulting with an attorney can be advantageous.

A rape and sex crime defense attorney will evaluate your case and determine the most effective defense strategy so you can secure the best possible outcome under the circumstances. 

Depending on the case facts, it could be possible to lessen your charges or have your charges dropped.  Innocent people do get charged for rape and sex crimes for a variety of reasons, including incomplete investigations and false accusations.

At the ​Law Offices of Philip B. Adams, LLC, our skilled and competent rape and sex crime defense attorney has represented many individuals charged with the most serious crimes.

For more information, contact the Law Offices of Philip B. Adams.

Types of Louisiana Rape and Sex Crimes

Louisiana defines rape
as an “act of vaginal, anal, or oral sexual intercourse with a male or a female person committed without the person’s lawful consent.” Rape can be charged as forcible, aggravated, or simple rape.

Sexual Battery
Louisiana defines sexual battery as physically touching another individual sexually without their consent. Sexual battery can also be charged if an individual who is touched sexually is a minor under the age of 15 by a defendant who is at least three years older and who is not married to the minor.

Felony Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile
Louisiana defines felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile as consensual sex between a person who is 17 years of age or older and another person who is 13 years of age or older but not 17 years old. Also, the parties are not married.

Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile
Louisiana defines indecent behavior with a juvenile as committing any of the following acts to gratify and/or excite their own sexual desires:

  • Engaging in lewd acts near a child 17 years old and younger.

  • Communicating by writing, speaking, textual, or visual means any lewd images, words, or texts to a minor 17 years old and younger or two years younger than a defendant.

Crimes Against Nature
Louisiana defines crimes against nature as unnatural and carnal copulation by a human being, either with an animal or with another human being. Crimes against nature are also considered knowingly engaging in intercourse or marriage between descendants or individuals of blood relation.

Louisiana Sex Crime Penalties

Sex-related offenses can result in:

  • Expensive fines

  • Time in prison

  • A criminal record

  • The loss of gun ownership and carrying rights

  • Registering as a sex offender

    • Individuals convicted of sex-related crimes against a minor will be required to register as sex offenders. The same is true for most adult-related sex crimes.

Louisiana defines consent as a mutually agreed-upon decision to engage in sexual activity between adults. The age of consent in Louisiana is 17. Sexual intercourse or sexual activity that takes place without consent is a criminal offense. Individuals younger than 17 cannot legally consent to sexual intercourse. 

Call An Experienced Louisiana Rape and Sex Crime Defense Attorney Today

Attorney Adams's top priority is protecting your rights and freedoms from the most grievous penalties when you are charged with rape or another sex crime in Louisiana. 

If you were charged with rape or another sex crime in Louisiana, you need a committed and experienced rape and sex crime defense attorney on your side. Contact the Law Office of Philip B. Adams today for a case evaluation.